Hello everyone,
Thank you for taking the time to read this post and consider taking part in this study. We are currently recruiting
UK university students (aged
18 and above and who have experienced
self-harm thoughts in the last three months) for an online study designed to understand how it might be possible to better help them manage self-harm thoughts and behaviours.
The study invites you to complete two questionnaires, three months apart. Each questionnaire will ask you about your self-harm thoughts and behaviours over the last three months and other thoughts/feelings you may have had. We understand this is a sensitive area, so please think carefully before taking part.
For more information and to take part in the study, please click on the following link:
https://hass.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2fb8eA1j3Atpsb3Thank you, your help is greatly appreciated.