Would you like to be involved in the development of a brief psychological intervention aiming to help people reduce repeat self-harm?
We are pleased to invite you to take part in and provide feedback about a new psychological intervention, which aims to help people reduce repeat self-harm. Research shows that if people can spot situations in which they will be tempted to self-harm and then link them with a way to overcome those situations, they are much more likely to be successful in reducing repeat self-harm.
This is very short intervention and is about helping you to create “action-plans”
You will firstly be asked to complete a short series of demographic questions and questions about the psychological aspects that may be important for you in relation to self-harm. You will then be asked to construct “implementation intentions” or “IF-THEN plans” for example: “If I am tempted to self-harm when I feel hopeless, Then I will seek out someone who listens when I need to talk about self-harm”
After you have completed the “IF-THEN” plans you will be invited to complete a series of short questions about your experiences creating “IF-THEN plans”. This is to help us make any changes and improve the intervention. The questionnaire will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
We hope that our findings will provide a greater understanding of how people can make action plans to help them to try and reduce repeat self-harm. If you are interested in taking part please use the link at the bottom of this advert. There will be an option to supply your contact details should you wish to further discuss any of your feedback with us. This will take place in a semi-structured interview over the telephone at a time and date convenient for you.
- This questionnaire is entirely anonymous and we will not collect any personally identifiable information (for example we won’t ask your name or date of birth).
- Unfortunately, you are unable to participate if you are currently an inpatient in hospital, or if you consider yourself to be too physically or mentally unwell to participate.
- We are unable to provide reimbursement for taking part, however you will be helping us to understand more about brief psychological interventions aiming to help people reduce repeat self-harm.
This study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research Programme Grants for Applied Research. A link to the questionnaire can be found here: