Yeah, me too. I've had some some absolutely sh** MH workers in the past so I'm always relieved when new workers are nice!
Spoken to CC this morning, I'm okay at the moment so it's was mostly just a catch up. I have been worried about getting some supplies in but there are organisations that can help if I get stuck because apparently I'm a vulnerable person because of my MH and medical issues. I find it difficult to accept that, I'm certainly not seriously unwell like others are nor am I elderly/wheelchair bound etc. If I get desperate I might use the ones that charge and leave the free services for those who really need them.
I'm copying ok with lock down at the moment, in many ways the empty streets make it easier for me to get out and about because there's no one trying to chat to me all the time and there's less noise from traffic. In other ways it's harder because there are a few medical issues that I can't get sorted out and I'm worrying that this will continue for a long time. I'm keeping busy with decorating for now and I have the buns for company. Plus, I'm friends with the dog nextdoor and there are chickens and horses opposite me that I feed and I like watching the birds around the feeder. I feel like if people would stop panic buying this wouldn't be such a cluster f***.
CC and psychologist are sending me some info about help that I can get and some extra DBT stuff to work through if I struggle.
I just feel a bit...
at the moment but I'm 'safe' for now. I'm glad that I have this place to ramble away.