Author Topic: Understanding the cognitive processes behind self-harm  (Read 13574 times)

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Understanding the cognitive processes behind self-harm
« on: November 14, 2019, 01:02:08 PM »
Hello everyone!

I'm Rachel, a PhD student at Imperial College London working on the iMAGine study. This study investigates the cognitive processes underlying self-harm as we want to gain a better understanding of why some people might find it difficult to stop. If we know more about the psychological mechanisms that contribute to someone repeating self-harm we can use these findings to develop better interventions.

We're currently recruiting people to take part in this study, and specifically we're looking for people aged 16-25 based in London with:

- experience of self-harm within the past year, and/or
- current depression/anxiety, or
- no experience of mental health difficulties

Participation will involve completing an online questionnaire and telephone call to assess suitability for the study, and then a visit to Hammersmith Hospital (White City, London) where you will complete some questionnaires and tasks on the computer (this visit should take roughly 3 hours). You will be reimbursed with a £50 retail voucher and can also win up to £10 in vouchers in one of the computer tasks.

If you're interested and would like to find out more or sign up you can do this by visiting
Or feel free to email me at [email protected] and I can answer any questions you might have!

Thank you very much!  :)


« Last Edit: November 14, 2019, 04:26:34 PM by Rob »