I can see myself about to spiral down. This has happened loads of times but I've never spotted it this early before. I like someone. I start talking to them a lot. I start getting hopeful. That parts okay. Then I start to get obsessed (yay Autism, my obsessions can often be people...) and the spiral is that I start painting a mental picture of a future with them and it becomes an expectation. My emotions become reliant upon them. Happy when we're talking and things are going well. When we're not talking (they're busy) I obsessivly look at pictures, listen to songs on repeat. Generally obsess and get depressed. I do things in extremes in life, it's all or nothing. Which means I try to go at warp speed in relationships, which obviously causes unhappiness and is damaging to the relationship as I control it at first but then spiral and let my emotions get the better of me and message them too much and take my feelings out on them a little which is holding back hugely compared to how I feel. I don't know how to do things in moderation and feelings are hard to control but I don't help myself by allowing myself to do the obsessive things and my choice of music.
But as I say, I've never caught it this early before. It's hard because I want a relationship so badly that I'm at the point of frustration and almost desperation.
But because I've spotted it early I have a choice in what to do. Plus I'm also frustrated at myself and the desire to tidy this place and do the batch cook is strong.
Issue is, I have very very low self control. If I want something I can't stop myself giving in and doing it.
But I've still got a choice. So I'm going to get up (been awake and in bed for 2 hours) and do the housework. Think on what I've just said here and how some self control over this potential relationship and how I should act and not destroy the relationship.
Although I have low self control I'm also incredibly strong and capable of using that strength. The strength may be enough to overcome the lack of self control. Just got to keep my head in the right place.
Fag count today: 1
Getting up now.