Author Topic: My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**  (Read 26764 times)

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Offline Vermilion

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My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**
« on: November 02, 2017, 09:39:19 PM »
So I've had my PIP assessment with Capita (I don't want to say exactly where because I don't want to risk being identified). The main reason for my claim was for my social anxiety/difficulty getting outside/using public transport and also for the depression side for the days when I can't get out of bed.
I took 2 family members into the assessment and recorded it, if you want to record it it has to be on a CD or cassette tape (dead formats huh!) and you can't use tablets/laptops/phones etc, it has to be a recorder only. You also have provide the assessor with a copy at the end of your assessment. It's best to let them know a few daus beforehand too.
Obviously I was extremely distressed because talking to a stranger is extremely difficult for me and I was shaking and found it difficult to breathe and kept having to take my inhaler. Not an easy experience.
The assessment itself wasn't as bad as I expected. She asked about how I manage to do daily things such as getting dressed/showered, getting about, using public transport, how I manage my diabetes care and my medication and how often I struggle with these. I explained that it's variable and that seemed to be OK. She did ask about SH but it wasn't too detailed, just asked what methods I use, how often it happens and whether I need medical attention or not. She also asked about SUI thoughts and this wasn't too detailed, she didn't as about specific plans or details of previous attempts, just how often I get them and how I deal with them. She asked about the treatment plan, how often I see the doctor, am I under the MH teams, am I on medication for my MH and at what doses.
Not a pleasant experience but it could have been much worse. I've heard a lot of horror stories about these assessments and thankfully mine wasn't too bad, it seemed to go as well as these assessments can go. I don't know if they were nicer because I had people supporting me and because I recorded the assessment, that is a possibility. I don't know what the outcome will be yet though...

I was extremely stressed about this assessment and it caused me to do quite a bit of harm to myself but I  hope my experience helps to reassure others.  :).
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Offline Tucan

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Re: My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2017, 10:25:49 PM »
I am happy that it wasn't too bad for you. Well done for going.
now hand over the tea bags and we won't have any trouble.... :police:

Offline Vermilion

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Re: My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2017, 12:23:19 PM »
Thanks. I hope that this post will help others.
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Offline Vermilion

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Re: My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2018, 11:27:42 AM »
It seems that they're liars; most of what they said is bullsh** and other symptoms have been downplayed. Do not trust them. The are sneaky liars who crap on the vulnerable on behalf of the government.
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Offline Tucan

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Re: My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2018, 12:07:16 PM »
Oh no. I am sorry that things went badly for you.
now hand over the tea bags and we won't have any trouble.... :police:

Offline Vermilion

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Re: My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2018, 07:07:34 PM »
It confirms what I've known all along; society doesn't give a sh** about people like me. I'm top chaotic to work but can't get support, be it financial or otherwise. There is no place for me, I do not belong in this world.
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Offline Tucan

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Re: My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2018, 07:09:31 PM »
You are a lovely person and you do belong in this world.
now hand over the tea bags and we won't have any trouble.... :police:

Offline Vermilion

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Re: My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2018, 11:15:00 AM »
I really don't think so. I've written before about how society doesn't give a sh** and wants people like me gone and this is just more proof of what I've known all along. The things that I struggle with are not a big deal and because I still try and do small things they use it against me. Perhaps they are right do so.
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Offline Tucan

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Re: My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2018, 03:42:30 PM »
now hand over the tea bags and we won't have any trouble.... :police:

Offline Vermilion

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Re: My experience of the Capita PIP assessment **Mentions SH/SUI**
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2018, 10:59:27 AM »
I've had the appeal pack back.

I was assessed by a paramedic so I guess there won't be much understanding about MH, but that sums up the attitudes of society in general.

I'm mostly claiming for mobility because I can't use public transport or drive because my anxiety is so bad. She wrote that I only need prompting but I can't do it at all, even a car journey with my family is really difficult. I just want a little extra money to pay for taxis and petrol money for people who come up to help me get to appts/shopping etc. I'm doubting my entitlement now though.

The DWP response accused me of exaggerating and they made it clear that they 'oppose this appeal'. I feel really sh** about myself tbh.

 (Though it's with a very small grin that I remember  that the letters DWP also spell the welsh word for stupid...)

Some other things were downplayed too. I'll post more another time because I'm starting to get a bit upset and anxious now. Going through the form is really difficult.  :(
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