So firstly, i'm new here; i'm not really sure if this is the right place for me to post this, so sorry if it's not.
So i just have a couple of questions about family and self harm, and i need some advice.
I've been self harming since around June/July last year, but it's gotten a lot worse since December, and over the past couple of months it's spread from my elbow and ankles to kind of all over.
In January i was referred to CAMHS by my GP and counsellor at school, and they made me tell my parents about everything; it was the first they knew about my anxiety and depression and self harm.
It didn't really go down very well; it involved a long conversation with my parents sitting me down and asking me why i would ever self harm and making me promise that i would just go and talk to them if i ever felt down rather than hurting myself. They were trying to be understanding, i know, but i don't think they understood the concept of self harm, and no matter how much i tried to explain (although i didn't manage very well, because it was surprisingly hard to get across to them how i felt without upsetting them) they didn't really understand that it helps. My mum ended up asking to see my arm, because the CAMHS nurse had only mentioned my arm, and she asked me to promise that i wouldn't do it again.
I didn't want to upset my parents and so i said that it wasn't that bad; that i only did it sometimes, and that i would stop, and just tell them if i was upset instead.
And, obviously, i haven't actually managed to stop.
The problem is that now i have to work even harder to hide everything, because i think my mum is really worried that i might start again. She constantly barges in when im changing etc. and i don't really have much privacy, or time to myself. I'm scared that soon she's gunna see one of my scars, and it just feels like everyday i'm walking on such thin ice - like i'm so close to someone finding out and everything coming crashing down.
We've finally managed to regain some normality after they found everything out and i know that her finding out would completely throw everything out of wack.
I've seen a few people on here talk about how after they got their parents to understand self harm, everything kind of settled down, or that they can kind of co-exist with their parents knowing about the self harm and just accepting it without feeling the need to stop it, (because it doesn't work how they want it to, unfortunately; they can't just turn it off for me) and i was wondering if this works for people, and how they managed to get to that point with their parents?
Do you think i should tell them or not?
My counsellor knows the situation, and that i am still self harming and that it is getting worse, so i am not without support; it's just that the situation at home is kind of heightening my anxiety, as well as the emotions that make me self harm. I guess something needs to change but i just don't know what.
Anyways, sorry for how massively long this post is; any support or advice would be welcomed!