I have no idea who you are
Just thought I would pop on too, out the blue!
It is unfair that you beat one illness to face another, but unfortunately mental illness and physical illness are not mutually exclusive.
I have zero knowledge of EDS, but I know you do hear about people finding out they have all sorts of conditions, and going on to have a 'normal' life. Look at Stephen Hawking - he was given 3 years and he's still here 40 years later.
I didn't realise when I was 18 you were 26, you always seemed so grown up and wise
Fingers crossed for good results with the trace. Totally not related, but when pregnant, and for the first 6 months after having Cass I had really really low blood pressure. Would fall over and flop on the ground, and as I was in hospital at the time they could measure it and it was so low they couldn't even get a reading. I also had low iron and folic acid. I eventually just got better, and they put it down to something to do with pregnancy (great NHS diagnostics there). So fingers crossed it was 'just' a reaction to pregnancy and you'll be fine from now.