I don't think it sounds as though you are lucky to be given 'the opportunity' of this complex needs service given their exclusions. It is shameful if this service rejects people if they express distress through self harm or other so called behaviours. It seems like blackmail to exclude someone in that way when they are already down and desperate. I was in a therapeutic community in the past and now refuse to even think of going back to one. I know this may not sound very pro recovery on my part, but some services let really vulnerable people down and then there are no alternatives. I think with PD this is more likely to happen and the mantra goes about 'taking responsibility'. For some people that may work, but there are casualties to this kind of approach.
Could you get your GP to write to the CCG to complain about the lack of care for you? You need to make a formal complaint and see where that gets to you. The complex needs service probably isn't forever so you would hope to have a backup before, during and after. If you don't last the programme then what happens?
The way you feel forgotten by the service and don't get appointments through doesn't bode well.
You could try the programme and avoid all forms of sh for the duration but I would hope there was enough support and you had other coping strategies in place for when things got trying.
You are worth the help and more. Noone should suffer with such extreme distress.. this isn't your fault. Mental health services amount to a rubbish system though there are good people who work within it who do want to make a difference to people's lives. You are on the wrong side of that system at the moment and just getting a very limited/no choice.