Author Topic: experiences of hospital  (Read 21712 times)

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Offline angeldevil123

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experiences of hospital
« on: September 16, 2012, 04:40:24 PM »
hey all

Just wondering what has everyone's experience been when going into hsopital for pysch care?
is it a scary place as what I have imagined.
whats the system like ?
please can you give me any advice please
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Offline Jacqui

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Re: experiences of hospital
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 09:40:26 AM »
It can be quite scary just because people in hospital are there for acute treatment. You can trust the staff to keep you safe though. If you have gone in voluntarily its not so bad because you can have time off the ward to get away from any tensions there. Even if you are sectioned you can eventually get time off the ward for a break but usually with a member of staff accompanying you.
It can be quite boring there so take plenty of magazines or puzzle books. You probs wont be allowed to keep chargers or belts or anything else that can be used to cause you or other people harm. Meals can be a bit yuck but they do cater for your needs if you tell the staff.. ie if you're a vegetarian.
Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean that they aren't really out to get you.

Offline angeldevil123

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Re: experiences of hospital
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2012, 07:52:20 PM »
aww thank you. it's for in case im put inside.
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Offline Daisy Bell

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Re: experiences of hospital
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2012, 11:15:34 PM »
Hospital can be a little alarming at first there aere a lot of very ill people a lot of them not completely rational and you do get some staff who are just on a power trip but you will meet people in a similar situation to yourself and they can be very supportive and the majority of staff really love their jobs. I have got a lot of safty going into hospital you just need to work with staff not fight the system.

Offline angeldevil123

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Re: experiences of hospital
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2012, 02:15:03 PM »
tomorrow is the day i find out what happens :)
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Offline Lily Kym

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Re: experiences of hospital
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2012, 02:22:00 PM »
Good luck for tomorrow x

Offline angeldevil123

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Re: experiences of hospital
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2012, 05:07:45 PM »
awww thank you x
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Offline PrettyLittleLie

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Re: experiences of hospital
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2012, 01:47:24 AM »
I was in hospital when I was under 18 so it was a bit different for me I guess- it wasn't great- I was in there for a long time and I had some very bad experiences from the staff, however the patients all looked out for each other and looked after one another even though it wasn't technically allowed in there.... there were some seriously ill people in there but once you got to know them and see past their illness they were lovely. I know my experiences aren't the norm in the way staff treated us (and saying that some staff were fab) so I wouldn't worry too much.   :hug1:

What I will say is it gets VERY boring in there, so take lots of things to occupy yourself with if you do go in...  :hug2: Good luck and let us know how you get on  :hug1:
- Ellie

Offline Lorien

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Re: experiences of hospital
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2012, 03:27:49 AM »
wasn't there long enough to make much comment really and my main memory of is it is getting a sickness bug but i think really it is what you make of it. i wish i had known that really.

i wont lie and say it is a great place to be - it isn't and i think for most people it is a total last resort but i guess i see it ias a place to make sure you don't do anything serious and to monitor stuff that they can't do when you are at home.

Because of the way that people have to be to need to be somewhere like that it can be quite scary. If you do go to one I'd say make sure that you have some back up to help you after it and try to let them know what is going on in your head so that they can at least try to help.

overall it was an incredibly negative experience that had some unexpected positives.
-i stopped being scared of that being an option
-i learnt that there were people in drastically worse situations
-the Dr that decided if/when i went home turned into the Dr that i see regularly and he is a total legend (unlike the one i saw before him) and i trust him more i think because that was the first time i saw him.
-i know that i will do most things that they ask/ think i should to avoid that because i dont think it is helpful in a lot of situations

while you are there if you go
+1 on the boring front...but a good time to pick up a hobby - take lots to do that will keep your mind off stuff
i didnt like the food or eating with other people that were quite unpredictable so id say take some snacks
-like anywhere some staff are awesome and some are not, so trust your instincts on who is ok
-try not to let what other people do and say get to you chances are they dont mean it/think you are someone else/are fed up with being there and are just venting
-(not sure if its the same everywhere) there was a lot of alcohol and drugs around...steer clear
but i guess most of all - try to get out of there having gained something...even if its only that it isnt so bad.

honestly, i recon you learn a fair amount about other people and about yourself, although most people never want to go in the first place and never want to go back - it is an experience both good and bad. (feel a bit weird about saying it but i honestly think its somewhere most people should see once in their life)
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Offline angeldevil123

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Re: experiences of hospital
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2012, 03:56:55 PM »
hey just to let you know all that im safe they didn't admit me although it was considered in the meeting. They are upping my meds and referring me to groups
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