Hey All
I am really angry with my parents at the moment they don't want me to do social work as apparently im not ready enough and haven't had much life experience. Im 26 and in my life I have had to put up with them constantly putting me down when im in a depressed mood, negative attitudes towards my career and most recently I was attacked by service user whilist I was work (I no idea of his past sexual history) and i didn't know him from adam. Plus numerous other things that have happened like my almost slitting her wrist due to a break-up, plus in 2009 I managed to talk down a third year nursing student who wanted end her life and did thr relevant referrals to agencies and got the help for her.
Academic history
Cert HE (Open) Health and Social Care 2009
Access to Health and Social Care (Three a-levels in one year, 2009)
Level 3 health and social care
That was alongside two highly demanding jobs
Gnvq Pre nursing
Now in 2012-2013 im sitting my maths. wow