Author Topic: Crisis resolution team  (Read 12537 times)

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Offline chocolateorange

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Crisis resolution team
« on: January 27, 2012, 02:39:38 PM »

I am wondering if anybody could help me with some advice please. I have had a bad time lately with my mental health and the police were involved last week. My counsellor is going to try and get the crisis resolution team involved (I think that's what they're called) but he wants me to make the decision to let him contact people as I am worse if I feel like I can't control decisions. I see him on Monday to talk about it, but I am scared. What is the crisis resolution? I don't want to go to hospital. I feel like lately I have lost control of my life and this is making me feel worse, so I am kind of hoping somebody will know something about this to help me.

Any help appreciated
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Re: Crisis resolution team
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2012, 04:06:25 PM »
Crisis Resolution usually takes the form of support given at home - in order to prevent admission to hospital.  They usually sort out medication and offer quite intensive support for a few weeks, til the crisis has passed.

Sorry things have been bad for you recently :(  It is nice to see you posting though choccy  :hug2:
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Offline chocolateorange

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Re: Crisis resolution team
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2012, 05:12:50 PM »

Thanks for the reply. That's quite reassuring to hear. I will have to think about it.

Thank you  :cake:
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Offline wild-n-wondaful

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Re: Crisis resolution team
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2012, 06:29:39 PM »
Are you sure it wasnt crisis intervention? there part of like mental health and support networks to support you in order to try and as the name suggests intervene by providing support before a crisis takes place :) x
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Offline Bod

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Re: Crisis resolution team
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2012, 06:59:10 PM »
I am under crisis team at the moment, it is generally really helpful, would give it a try. Good luck

Offline unknown_member

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Re: Crisis resolution team
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2012, 07:03:35 PM »
i've been under the crisis team a few times and they are brilliant in my area; they stop me going into hospital and the support is great, you can phone them night and day if your struggling, theres' always someone to speak too..

they've saved my life a few times i would say.. definitely worth a go, i know it differs in each area but it might be really useful for you  ? xx
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Offline chocolateorange

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Re: Crisis resolution team
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2012, 08:22:33 PM »
Thank you for your responses. I am definitely considering it now. Do they have an initial appointment with you? I don't know how honest I should be with them if I were to have their help. I don't even know if they will be able to help me really. I wouldn't say that I am in a constant state of distress, I just keep having what are like panic attacks but I act very impulsively and basically like a different person, and because I am low, it's like these feelings are intensified and I go into self destruct mode.
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Offline hidden tears

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Re: Crisis resolution team
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2012, 09:16:35 PM »
I have been under crisis a few times as well and generally they have been good and have helped me through some really rough times. The crisis team can talk through things and help you find ways to manage the panic attacks and impulsive thoughts. They are also available 24/7 so you can ring them when you have the thoughts and talk through them rather than have to go and act on them etc.

I would say its worth a shot, and the more honest you can be with them the better. Hospital really is a last resort, and generally if you are willing to work with the crisis team they will do all they can to help prevent you needing admission. You are in control really as well, you choose when to ring them and can influence how often you see them, much more so than if you are admitted to hosp. So if you are willing to use your like of being in control in a positive way to help you them the crisis team could be a good option.
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Offline chocolateorange

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Re: Crisis resolution team
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2012, 08:25:09 AM »
It sound like they might be the right thing for me, as being able to choose when to contact them when I feel I need to would be really helpful. I think my biggest fear is being admitted to hospital as I've not had great experiences with the nhs but I know I need some extra support right now so I will talk to my counsellor on monday about this. Thank you for your replies

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Re: Crisis resolution team
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2012, 05:51:27 PM »
hugs hugs

was your counsellor of any help

how you doing?

hugs hugs
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