Author Topic: ESA Medical Assessment DWP-ideas/experiences  (Read 9987 times)

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Offline bernie

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ESA Medical Assessment DWP-ideas/experiences
« on: January 27, 2012, 08:03:52 AM »
Have to go for an ESA assessment tommorrow, yes Sat. Not looking forward to it. Re read my questionnaire I sent them, there are a few negative things in there, but it is not how I am feeling now. I am sort of resigned to how things are going. I still get panic attacks just reading jobs or start thinking, I'm not very good at that and put myself off. In the back of my mind I keep thinking they will give me my job back but realistically it won't happen. And it is unlikely I will get a similar job in the circs. I always seem to c*** up when under pressure and don't know whether I could do a full time job again. I don't know what this assessment will expect of me. I don't want to lie, but then I don't know whether I will be able to cope in a job again, how can you assess for that ? I know that most times they fail you on the assessment and you have to Appeal. Hubby will be expecting me to get a job soon is his jsa is ending and my esa is due to end and I dont think I will be entitled to jsa esp in the circs of losing my job and it being my own fault. Any Ideas, or experiences?

Offline bernie

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Re: ESA Medical Assessment DWP-ideas/experiences
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2012, 10:12:32 AM »
Just about to go to assessment bag of nerves. Couldn't find anything I needed although I sorted them out yesterday was in all the Appeal stuff as part of evidence. Taken AD but not anti anxiety, dont know if that is a good thing or not. I dont feel that bad mentally though. have not sh since bef Xmas. Managed not to drink for 4 days gave in last night and haven't rung crisis since bf Xmas/ Dont know whether it is bec hubby is home. Am feeling a bit better though enjoy art therapy even thinking of buying an Easel and acrylic paint but would not know how to use them. Does anyone use an  easel? do you really need one to take up painting watercolours etc must dash

Offline bernie

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Re: ESA Medical Assessment DWP-ideas/experiences
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2012, 01:02:27 PM »
Back. Not too bad other than the 1hr wait. when I got there there were about 10 people before me one of which had a 10pm appt mine was 11pm. A few men said they had to leave and could they make another appt! Dr I saw was quite nice showed him letters from cmht, he had form I had completed and told him of the appeal and all the counsellors I was seeing so he said an examination was not necessary. I am clearly ill. But as he said the decision to pay me is not his. So I think I know what that means. So we will have to see.