Im trying to count my tats......i have 13... i think! Foot, hip, lower back, upper back, both inner wrists, both upper arms one of which is a sleeve to my elbow (not inner arm). I got my first one at 17 and the last one last year, so ive been periodically adding to them over the course of 13 years. Some cover scars, some i got to help heal emotional scars. I got one when i got married, another when i got divorced an so on an so on. The only reason i dont have more is i havnt been able to afford any for ages. Ive that many now i dont think it matters what i get! Theyre all different.
I do wonder sometimes who id be without them. For example, my wardrobe is limited, certain styles of dresses etc are out of the question as theyd clash with my ink. But i wouldnt be me without them. With each one, i could tell you where i got it, what clothes i was wearing, who i was with, what the weather was like that day, conversations i had, anything really. Each one is a story, a memorable event. A permanant reminder of who i was and the life i was living at the time, and in turn, shows me how far ive come and all the places ive been

An how much ive changed as a person.
Im sure everyone with ink has had 'the' question posed to them at one time or another, "what if you regret it when youre older?" I just say every mark or scar or tattoo on my body will be testement to my youth, the life i lived, and more than anything, i dont want to get old and wish i HAD done something, but didnt for fear of having regrets. Id rather get old and say 'i did'