Just on for a vent. Ive had a good day, im okay. Just having a cry at what im leaving behind, all the bad stuff, im leaving behind, its quite overwhelming. Im sad in a hopeful way. Its really been a crazy year. This time 12 months ago i was in a mental and emotional wasteground. After spending most of this day last year in a&e getting stitched up, and sobering up. Sad times. Times i hope to leave in the past for good.
This year has really been a hell of a journey for me. There isnt time left in this year for me to tell the story. But thats what it is, a story. A story of me. Of places ive been, and things ive done. Obviously i wish the bad things hadnt happened, but one things for sure, having experienced that place, i sure as hell know i never want to go back there, so maybe thats something. If i can stop myself from going there again, i will. I know itll be hard, at times damn near impossible, but i have to remember all those bad things, i have to remember how it felt, i have to remember, that i dont have to do that to myself.
I must learn to stay strong. Learn how to take those desolate moments and turn them around, into fuel, motivation, a painful but valuable reminder of how far ive come. I hope it brings me compassion, understanding, and patience. I hope i become a tolerable person, yet not stupid. Ill never stand for things ive taken in the past. Im at a point now where its my life. This is MY life now. I dont live for anyone else. I live for me.
I never thought id say that. An for the first time in about 2 years, i can say im happier with my life now on my own, than i think i ever was when i was married. All this learning, about me, everyday, has brought me some kind of peace within myself. I spent so long wrapped up in everone else, i forgot all about me.
Im sad tonight, but im not down. The passing of time can be a great healer, but also a great heartbreaker. Some wounds never heal, but instead of 'getting over' the pain, ive learnt to live WITH it. As a part of me, which i think is only right, and fair.
I am what i am, and im okay with that. Heres hoping you all find some peace in 2012. If i can do it, you can too. x