Someone already said it, but its definitley personal to yourself how you deal with them. Thankfully, alot of mine have faded, and are barely noticable unless pointed out. I know where they all are of course, and it only comes to mind if somone is right next to me, i wonder if they can see. I do have some that are blatantly obvious, i have alot of tattoos, i cut thru one once, quite a long wound, so the scar is plain as day, but theres no other ones round it so i think maybe people might think i had an accident or something. The only other ones that concern me are on my upper thigh, these are only visible when i go swimming, or am kicking around in my house in shorts.
I figure the only peoples opinions that matter, are the people i know. The people that i know, and respect, understand, and its not an issue. I actually find a little comfort in having people like this in my life, they dont see the scars, they see me, which is what counts. Anyone else? Well theyre strangers to me, and have found over time that people are mostly wrapped up in themselves and their own lives. Occasionally ive noticed people looking at my scars, i figure what they think is up to them, their opinions dont matter, and no ones ever said anything out loud to me about them anyway.
So, id say do whatever feels comfortable. Our scars just show how we've survived, the only persons opinion on them, that should matter, is your own.