Im posting in here, as im surviving. An what a way that we survive. The things we do, to survive. If you ask me, we're all survivors, we're all still here arnt we? If youre reading this, youre surviving, an you should be proud of that.
Im currently not doing some things. Its been over a month since i last relapsed, on the cutting, and the drinking, and the od'ing. I did it all in one night, over a month ago. Im still struggling, im still in pain, tonight, my heart is truly breaking with all the loss. But im coping. I dont exactly know how, but i am, arnt i? Coping. What is coping. Getting thru one day after another without hurting myself? Talking about how im feeling and the thoughts inside my head and not bottling them up? Or just living life. Going out of the house. Feeding and washing and dressing myself. Keeping my appointments, paying my bills, answering my phonecalls and doing something that is classed as 'social'. Is that coping?
Am i coping when im dying inside? Am i coping when i sit and break down and cry? Am i coping when this golf ball of anxiety in my throat forces itself out and i cant speak? Am i coping when i try and sooth myself? I stroke my own hair, i rock back and forth, i try and let it out, so im not keeping it in. I keep on, letting it out, more and more and more and it just keeps coming, over and over and over again. It doesnt really stop, just lessens. Like waves.
Im surviving. Im in pain, im a mess, im emotional and i berate myself constantly for things ive done, and things i havnt, for things that were my fault, and things that wernt. But im surviving, and im proud of that.
Its not alot to go on. But its all ive got.