Hey Everyone
I thought I would post this in the hope that it will give hope to someone. I'm not sure if people will remember me (I've been on and off this forum for quite a few years - I used to be called Scars).
I think everything started to go downhill and I started to get unhappy when I was about 10, I started self harming when I was 13, and it got gradually worse until I really didn't care what I did to myself or what happened to me. I lost weight and was obsessed with making myself thinner. At one point, when I was 18, I was planning my death.
I am now 21 and in the last few years I have completely changed my life around. The last time I self harmed was the beginning of January 2010 - 2 years ago - and I am happier than I ever remember being. I had to face up to the things that happened when I was a teenager but I'm glad I did. It will always be a part of my life but in the past. I wouldn't change any of it. There are many things that I'm not proud of but everything that happened in my life and everything I did made me who I am today - and I like who I am now and that is a fantastic feeling.
What I'm trying to say is there is always hope. Even when you are at the lowest there is always hope - I'm living proof. I posted a poem called "Smile" in creativity - that says it better than I am here.
Take care
Love Nixie