Author Topic: Survivor Room Noticeboard  (Read 33759 times)

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Offline NSHN Admin

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Survivor Room Noticeboard
« on: July 12, 2007, 09:56:32 AM »
Important notices will be posted here.

Welcome to the Survivor Room, your Moderators here are Julia and Kate.

What sort of topics can I post here?
- Questions about medication such as personal experiences, how people found it useful or not. However, nobody here can give you professional medical or medication related advice. For such advice consult your GP, psychiatrist or relevant professional.
- Success stories, how long you've managed without harming, a new distraction method you've discovered
- Non crisis posts
- Have you read/heard something in the news or media about self harm or mental health and wish to debate it? Try posting it in Survivor.
- Potentially distressing topics such as media coverage of sexual abuse, abortion should also be posted here and not in Debates and Discussions, please flag such posts with appropriate warnings.
- Please flag posts with appropriate warnings when necessary, e.g.
trig *sui, graphic, OD, SH, sexual content, SA* etc.

Obviously there will be other situations but if your post is in the wrong forum, the moderators will use their own judgement as to suitability for this forum. If you feel more at ease to post anonymously, you may contact a moderator or member of admin and ask them to post a message on your behalf. Only Admin and mods will know it is you posting but we recognise that sometimes, you want to say something that you otherwise might not be able to if people know who is posting. Please be patient whilst using these forums, not everyone is in a position to reply at all times.

Is there anything I can't post here?

- Do not post suicide notes or method sharing.
- Please don't 'chat' here. We have general off topic forums for that purpose.
- This is a support forum, personal insults, abuse, racism or threats directed at other members will not be tolerated.
- Posting in small text is not allowed.
- Posting in red font colour is not allowed.
- Do not post pictures of scars or any 'damage' from self harm
- Putting personal details such as your MSN address or phone number in posts is not allowed, this is for your safety.

Moderators or Admin will remove material that is inappropriate.

If you need urgent help or assistance and a quick response, please post in the Crisis Forum. Mods and member will do their best to answer as quickly as possible but we are not around 24/7 so please seek help from the emergency services/appropriate sources if you are in doubt.

These forums are regularly 'pruned' and posts over 30 days old will fall off these forums unless they have recently been replied to. Posts that are more than a week old are also liable to be locked to keep the current ones on or near the front page where they get the most attention. If you have any problems please do not hesitate to talk to the moderators. We also have some 'buddies' around on the site who can help with some general enquiries.

Thank you for taking time to read this, the Mod Team

Basic First Aid Advice

This site offers an ANON post facility for members that wish to post but not be identified for whatever reason.

If you would like to send an anon post then approach a member of admin or a moderator that is online and ask them to post on your behalf.

Please note the following:

ANON posts are 'anon' to other members, but all moderators and admin will know which member has asked for the anon post. If you have a genuine reason why you do not want this to happen then you must approach a member of admin. This is done so that all member of the admin/mod team can keep up to date with members welfare, so that we know who to approach if the thread needs editing/removing etc for any reason and where it is located if you need further posts adding to the thread.

Please be aware that if you require further replies adding to your ANON thread then this can not be done unless there is a moderator or member of admin online to do so. Therefore you can expect that your replies may take some time to be posted. You do not need to approach the original moderator that posted for you, any moderator can post follow up posts.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 09:35:28 PM by Julia »

Offline NSHN Admin

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Re: Survivor Room Noticeboard
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2007, 09:58:20 AM »