Author Topic: Seeking people with lived experience of suicide ideation - online survey 15mins  (Read 7608 times)

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Hello, I'm a trainee clinical psychologist looking to hear from people with lived experience of suicide ideation, in the hope to inform future intervention, practice and support. This is an online survey exploring the relationship between emotion processing and thoughts of suicide. Your voice is appreciated.

Here is the link:

This study is looking for people who are:

·      Aged 18 or above, and

·      Have had thoughts about suicide in the last 6 months

People can often find it hard to understand and respond to their emotions. This may make some people more likely to think about hurting themselves or taking their own life. This research aims to find out more about how we process our emotions and the relationship between this process and thoughts about suicide.

The study will ask participants to complete an online survey about emotional processing, suicide ideation and related topics. It is estimated to take 15-20 mins.

The survey is anonymous and there is a prize draw entry (optional).

Please prioritise your own safety when considering taking part. We ask that those who are experiencing current thoughts of suicide do not complete the survey at this time; support resources are available on the webpage and we will welcome your responses at later date.

Here is the link:

Best wishes always, and thank you