Hi everyone,
I have amended some details of my study to make it easier for people to take part (& have recieved Ethical Approval for these changes from Staffordshire University).
I am looking for people aged 18-45 who have experience of
both body modifications (e.g. tattoos, non-earlobe piercings, scarification or sub-dermal implants) and self-harm and are willing to talk about their experiences.
Unfortunately, you are unable to participate if you are currently an inpatient in hospital, or are too physically or mentally unwell to participate.
One of the changes is that I am now able to offer a range of ways to complete the interviews (face-to-face, by phone, by video calling (e.g. Skype) and by instant messaging (e.g. facebook messenger or WhatsApp)).
I expect interviews to take no longer than an hour to complete, although this will depend on you so may take longer if you wish to share a lot of information about your experiences. It is a one-off interview.
Another change is that I can now offer a shoppping voucher (or e-voucher) as a thank you for participating and to compensate you for your time. I can be flexible with when interviews are scheduled to take place (within reason!) to make it as convenient as possible for you to take part.
All information that is shared will be kept confidential within the research team (myself and my research supervisors - academic staff from Staffordshire University). Confidentiality may have to be breached if there is concern for your safety. All personally identifiable information (e.g. name, name of street or town where you live) will be removed or changed so you cannot be identified.
I will be writing an executive summary of the research and this will include the findings of the research. I am very willling to share it here once the research is complete and written up (end of April).
I have permission to recruit via social media, so I have set up a facebook page 'Body mod & self harm study'. Hopefully this will come up if you search for it, but in case it doesn't the link is:
https://www.facebook.com/Body-Mod-Self-Harm-Study-416737052400633/If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

I can be contacted by email (
[email protected]) or through the messages here on the forum.
Thank you!