I'm struggling. I'm not sleeping well and I'm shaking a lot of the time. I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm going to.try some diazepam and see if it helps to get me over these rough patches, that's what it's prescribed for after all.. I've been getting headaches and have been sick a few times because I'm so anxious

I know that part of this is because everything has been brought back to the surface again and I also have an appointment to have a coil fitted this week which is a very intrusive procedure. The coil is just something that I have yo do irrespective of my feelings about the procedure because I'm really trying to get back to normal after what happened which includes getting back to a normal sex life and once its done I'll be able to do so without worrying about condoms breaking due to the ointments I'm frequently using. So I know that I need to grit my teeth and get on with it and I will but it's so very difficult. Things always seem to crop up at the same time, like I can't just deal with one thing at a time.
-Take diazepam
-Message CC
-Attend both groups tomorrow (what DBT calls the 'opposite action" skill)
-Tell the doctor a bit about this when she fits my coil so that she understands why I'm anxious/will struggle with it.
I just want to say that just because I'm trying to get o with things that doesn't mean that is easy. Some people just don't understand that.