Author Topic: Looking to talk to UK based self-harmers who have been discriminated against by A&E staffs  (Read 11594 times)

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Hello! My name is Joyce Leung, and I am a freelance journalist who is working with my colleague, Sebastian Skov Anderson on a story about UK self-harmers are being discriminated against or being treated differently at A&E. We are looking to speak to people over 16 years old who might have experienced this. I can't open a post here because I am not with an organisation.

We've spoken to several self-harmers in the past, all of whom had similar experiences. We've also spoken to a professor for this article.

Please dm me or comment down below if you are interested in having an interview with us! Thank you. Unfortunately, to maintain journalism integrity, we only grant anonymity to people who might face life risk if they go public.

Thank you!