Hi everyone,
Firstly, thanks so much for spending the time reading this and possibly offering your thoughts. I am a Trainee Clinical Psychologist, and currently my thesis is undergoing ethical review. The study is looking at service responses to repeated self-harm in adults. I've found quite a lot of the research is fragmented, and often focusses on just one perspective, often recruiting people who are actively engaged with services and missing out on key voices! Therefore, I plan to interview clinicians, people who may be currently using services, or may have used them in the past but do not currently for whatever reason that may be.
At this stage though,
I would be really keen just to hear people's thoughts and perspectives on the wording I am planning to use (at this point) in the participant facing documents. For example, does it make sense? Does it feel inclusive, or possibly exclusive? Would you suggest changes? The main phrases I'm hoping to collect thoughts on are as follows:
Experts by Lived Experience - this is the term I'm thinking of using to refer to people who repeatedly self-harm, and either currently, or have in the past received support from services in relation to self-harm. I have made a deliberate move away from using the term 'patient', due to associations with the medical model, and the fact that some people may not be/identify as a 'patient'
Experts by Professional Experience - this is the term I'm thinking of using to refer to people who provide services in a professional capacity e.g. clinicians, care staff
Repeated self-harm - I'm using this term to refer to self-harm on more than one occasion, although prior to interviewing participants I will ask how they wish to refer to this b/h
Service Responses - I'm using this term to refer to any responses from services in relation to self-harm, this may be A&E, GP, during therapy, contact with third party organisations e.g. Samaritans
Any thoughts or views would be really valued and appreciated. Thanks again for your time, any questions etc. please just let me know