On behalf of the self-harm research group within the University of Nottingham, supervised by Professor Ellen Townsend, who heads the Self-Harm Research Group here. We would like to ask you to participate in anonymous, innovative, online research.
Our study is an electronic version of the Card Sort Task for Self-harm (CaTS; Townsend et al., 2016) in which you are asked to arrange thoughts, feelings, events and behaviours in a sequential order along a 6-month timeline. Completion of the study will involve conducting the card sort along the timeline twice; for the first and most recent self-harm episode. We request that you are 18 years old or above and have lived experience of self-harm to take part.
Our focus is to understand the thoughts, feelings, events and behaviours leading up to a self-harm episode and thereafter. This study is based upon previous research using the same task in which we wish to further our understanding of self-harm that allows us to reach out to a wider participant population. Participants that have already completed the study have reported having a greater insight into their own self-harm behaviour, which they have found beneficial, as a result of the CaTS.
We would appreciate it if you would support us by completing this study to further help us understand self-harming behaviour.
The link is:
http://www.psychology.nottingham.ac.uk/staff/lpaab4/cardsort2/cardsort_start.php?=%25SURVEY_CODE%25Kind regards,
Imogen Thynne, Hannah Street, Avithaa Thayaparan, Sarah Cleaver, Alissa Burrows and Rachael Cornwell
