Thanks Icicle for raising this. I apologise that I have not made this clear.
The project is quite substantial in size (the larger number of participants the bigger the impact) and therefore I am extremely grateful to everyone who is willing to spare time to undertake the survey. Due to the size of the project the full findings will not be finalised until approximately September 2018.
My intentions are to positively impact on services (child and adult) that support individuals who may have experienced childhood adversity. Therefore, I intend to publish the results in a journal that is accessed by professionals working with these individuals and those that fund these services. I also intend to present the findings at conferences where these individuals also attend.
The impact it has will depend on the findings, but I certainly will be publishing the results and I will share a summary of the findings on this forum.
Thank you for highlighting this Icicle and thank you to everyone who is willing to take part in this research!