Hi there
I just wanted to let you know that we have managed to get a private forum up and running for discussion of ideas about developing an app for people who use self harm and I’d like to invite you to join the forum. The forum will only be open to people with personal experience of self harm and we will have separate ways for people working in the area or supporting friends and family to contribute.
To join please go to:
http://forum.selfinjurysupport.org.uk/ and sign up – once I have approved your membership you will be able to post.
Categories are listed on the left hand side and once you have signed up we would ask you to do the following:
• Read the NEW MEMBERS post in the ‘General’ category which outlines the forum rules which are there to keep everyone safe.
• If you would like to post an introduction in the ‘Getting to Know You’ category please feel free to start a topic to do this
• If you have any thoughts about the other categories please feel free to start or add to a discussion
We also welcome ideas for new categories or discussion topics which can be suggested directly on the forum or by emailing me.
We will also host some live discussions once the forum has a group of members.
We would ask you to remember that the forum is for app development discussion and not a support or crisis forum. Links to other support forums and support services are in the ‘Support’ category.
If you know anyone else who is interested in getting involved in this discussion please give them my contact details.
Please get in touch if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing you on the forum!
With very best wishes
Please note we have changed our name and have new email and PO Box addresses as in signature below.
Naomi Salisbury, Helpline Co-ordinator & Development Worker
Self injury Support (formerly Bristol Crisis Service for Women)
PO Box 3240, Bristol BS2 2EF I Tel: 0117 927 9600 I
[email protected] I
www.selfinjurysupport.or g.uk Women’s Self Injury Helpline 0808 800 8088 Tues & Wed 7-10pm & Thurs 3-6pm
TESS national text & email support for young women up to 24 Sun to Fri 7-9pm I Text: 07800 472908 I Email: use link on our website
Support for women and girls, resources and training for all