Author Topic: Male participants needed - Understanding Self-Harm and The role of Supporters  (Read 10952 times)

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Offline LauraCul

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We are recruiting for male participants (18 years or over and living in the UK) with experiencing of self-harm as a student, or as a supporter of someone who has self-harmed, to take part in an interview.

If you meet this criteria and would be willing to take part, or if you would like any further information, please email Laura Culshaw ([email protected]).

All data will be anonymised and interviews can be conducted over the telephone, via skype or face-to-face depending upon your preference.

We are so grateful to anyone who may be able to give their time to this research and you will be offered £15 worth of vouchers for your time.

Thank you

« Last Edit: October 11, 2018, 05:51:36 PM by Rob »